Thursday, November 30, 2023

Yize mold--professional high precision carbide parts manufacturer

Cheap factory custom tungsten carbide nozzle, bushing, bearings, wear parts, carbide wire drawing die components, cold heading die parts,  Moq 1pcs. cost-effective. Providing precision carbide parts: grinding, EDM, WEDM, CNC, OD&ID Grinding, polishing and profile grinding service. Complete tungsten carbide machining process.

Yize Mould Co., Ltd. was founded on January 1, 2007. It has 160 employees, 180 processing equipment and more than 50 testing equipment. It is located in Chang'an Town, Dongguan, China, which is known as the "China Mould Town". WhatsApp: 8618638951317.

Since the establishment of the company, Yize has always been focusing on technology orientation, precision tungsten carbide parts processing, Drawing mold accessories, stamping mold accessories manufacturing. Trusted by customers at home and abroad, it has become an important partner of large international purchasing groups in the fields of automobiles, electronic appliances, aerospace, medical technology, tooling, machinery and equipment manufacturing.

Commission Funnels Review and Bonuses

Game-Changing Software Enables You To Copy & Paste "Super Affiliate Funnels" For Instant Commissions!
NO MONTHLY FEES - Novice Friendly - 100% DONE FOR YOU!
Copy & Paste Instant Commission System - Clone Just What What The Super Affiliates Are Doing To Crush Affiliate Leader-boards!

Game-Changing Software Application Allows You To Copy & Paste "Super Affiliate Funnels" For Instant Commissions!
ZERO MONTHLY FEES - Novice Friendly - 100% DONE FOR YOU!
Copy & Paste Immediate Commission System - Clone What Exactly What The Super Affiliates Are Doing To Squash Affiliate Leaderboards!
commission Funnels is a combination of "Done-For-You" affiliate bonus offer funnels and a cloud based app.
My Honest Commission Funnels Review and Custom Bonuses Will Reveal The Products Good and Bad Features.
So Watch It Now!

In short, the Commission Funnels software permits you to produce high converting reward page funnels, which can be utilized to promote affiliate offers.
The cloud based app allows you to immediately introduce top-converting perk pages for ANY deal, just by filling in a few information and your affiliate link. This will permit you to make GREATER revenues in LESS time with value-packed benefit pages that transform visitors into REVENUES.
Each of these perk page funnels are hosted on OUR premium servers!
The "Done-For-You" side of the software is more than TEN packages of Bonus offer Page/Thank You Pages that we have utilized to promote some of the highest transforming offers from JVZoo and WarriorPlus in current months.
These professionally-designed bonus offer pages some with evaluation videos, demo videos, top converting elements from each products sales page, PLUG a customisable timer to increase sales with shortage.
The Done-For-You side of things has actually been developed to make things as easy as possible for the user. All they have to do is get in name/affiliate link and pick a few benefit products, and the benefit page funnel will be produced.
100% Cloud Based Web App That Produces Perk Page Funnels.
- Novice Friendly One-Click 'Benefit Page Funnel' Creator.
- 100% Done-For-You Plug-n-Play Affiliate Funnels.
- Nothing To Download - Hosted Securely Online.
- Develop Custom Benefit Pages From Scratch.
- Usage Our READY-To-GO Benefit Pages.
- Beautiful Drag-and-Drop Page & Page Home builder.
- Multiple Award-Winning Design Templates Consisted Of.

Is your team scrambled eggs or an omelet?

When making an omelet, you definitely need eggs (it’s the key ingredient, right?).  You also need a stovetop, a pan, oil, and any preferred ingredients like pepper, salt, cheese, peppers, etc. 

It’s not a technically an omelet without all those other ingredients…

It can't be cooked without heat…

And a pan puts it all together…

You need all these things, or you just end up with scrambled eggs. 

While eggs are the main ingredient, the other ingredients are pretty indispensable in the process (if you truly have your heart set on an omelet). 

I’m going to use this same analogy when it comes to a company structure. Let’s think of different talents on your team like different “ingredients”.

Different talents are needed in a company to make the business “work”. Just like different ingredients are needed to make a proper omelet. Each ingredient has a “job” just like each person on your team has a “job”. 

For example, the marketing director on a team has a completely different set of job responsibilities and skill sets than say an implementation or project manager does.  

All these different team members (each with their unique set of abilities), are the ingredients, and therefore become crucial to the company’s sustainability and growth. 

Oftentimes, Entrepreneurs don’t hire the right talent for their teams (which can be just as dangerous as missing the right talent for their teams).

Not hiring the right talent can be the result of many actions (or inactions). 

Let’s concentrate on one of the biggest right now, which is the lack of clarity on exactly who and what is needed. 

Entrepreneurs are usually 100% clear on the problem they need to solve (example: convert more sales, higher ROI on marketing, implementation, etc.). But what’s not clear are the qualifications, skill set, and experience to look for in the candidates they need to attract. 

Are they qualified? 

Do they have the skillset? 

Do they have the experience (have they done it before?)

All of these questions must be addressed when qualifying candidates for any position in your company. 

Since most aren’t clear on the “who” or  “what”, they don’t know how to properly qualify that person for the particular role. 

By overlooking this vital step, they end up hiring a “generalist” not a “specialist”

When they aren’t clear on what exactly they need, they also gravitate to individuals that have similar characteristics to themselves. 

Let me give you an example… 

Entrepreneurs are drawn to people like themselves (people who possess a burning passion and people who love to generate ideas just like they do). 

Now, don't get me wrong, it’s incredibly invaluable for your team members' ideas and passion to align with yours. In fact, that means you’re all on the same page and you don’t need to do a lot of work aligning them into your mission and long term goals.

Here is the challenge though with hiring people with ONLY your similar strengths, and tell me if this sounds familiar… 

During company meetings, everyone of these team members bring ideas to the table. 

Amazing ideas! 

Brilliant suggestions that could transform your business into a billion dollar venture. 

You all keep the excitement going and continue ideating and brainstorming about all the great things you can and will do.  

But you know what happens next…

No execution. 

Those amazing ideas live there on paper (or on a recording) just waiting to be implemented… 9 times out of 10, those ideas will never see the light of day.  

That’s because when you have an entire team of idea generators and visionaries, and no one to implement and project manage all those ideas, that’s all they are… Ideas. 

Unfortunately, the vicious cycle continues, and the business doesn’t move an inch forward.  

You then start to question the ability of your team…You might wonder what’s wrong with them… Why can’t they get these great ideas implemented?! 

You may have hired passionate individuals, but you didn’t hire them correctly for the roles you REALLY need to fill in order to make things happen and get things done.  

That perfect “omelet” results from adding all the proper ingredients.  Every hire you make for your team needs to be a specialist in a particular area you NEED in your business in order to scale it and propel it forward. 

Part of our rigorous qualification process here at Nitrogen Hiring Network includes using a tool called Predictive Index. 

This superior tool is incredible for evaluating the cognitive abilities, and behavioral tendencies of each and every candidate, to determine if they could be the right fit for each specific role.

If one understands the “what” and the “who” of a specific role, the predictive index will help them measure applicants’ behavioral drives (dominance, formality, extraversion and patience) with incredible accuracy.

Again, it’s just one parameter we use in our qualification process for candidates, as it scores candidates against the range of behaviors and cognitive abilities needed for the role we create in the system.

For example, a media buyer you hire needs to be well versed in all aspects of executing high profile and complex paid social media campaigns on multiple networks. They need to understand analytics, and be able to make data driven decisions based on that data they are given. They also need to understand how to address the particular needs and desires of customer groups and cater to them by developing effective strategies.

Other parts of our qualification process include multiple interviews (skill set and culture fit), exercises to evaluate experience and skill set, and a slew of additional “Hoops” each candidate must jump through in order to avoid being disqualified. 

Yes, it’s a lot of work! But every single step is necessary if your goal is to build and grow a high-performing team that will get you to the next level in your business. It all begins with becoming crystal clear on the “who” and the “what”. 

It also means understanding and accepting you MUST hire people that have strengths in areas you don’t. 

That’s what makes an “omelet” team vs. a “scrambled” egg team. 

More next article…

To your success, 


P.S. Recruitment and Hiring is the #1 Entrepreneurial Blind Spot which is why most avoid it like the plague… 

Let’s face it, the entire process can be utterly frustrating & time consuming, AND often results in attracting and hiring the WRONG talent for your team and/or business. 

But what if ALL the heavy-lifting was done for you, and you were only handed the highest qualified candidates that checked every box you were looking for? 

Head to this link to see if Nitrogen Hiring Network™ could be your talent recruitment solution. 

P.P.S. Not sure how to find and attract more of your ideal clients? If you have a proven high ticket offer, we know EXACTLY how to fill your pipeline with a constant stream of qualified and highly-motivated leads through our exclusive Leads on Demand™ program.

Business Nitrogen

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Do you have a MUSTA marketing team?

MUSTA. Fancy acronym? 

Maybe the hot new thing? 

Not quite. It’s actually the opposite of that. 

When an Entrepreneur hires my team to help them scale their marketing and sales, the first thing we do is ask a lot of in depth questions about the product or service, the target avatar, current clients, and which marketing initiatives have worked for the company thus far. 

Sometimes clients actually know and can point us to data and dashboards to prove it.

A lot of times, though, the Entrepreneur says “My team said this worked well!” 

Then my team looks at the data.

Turns out, what they thought worked well, didn’t work at all. 

A MUSTA marketing team is a team that assumes when the sales were higher, the marketing MUSTA worked…

MUSTA marketing can create some short-term success, but ultimately they’re throwing marketing mud at the wall, hoping something (anything) sticks. Here’s where the challenge lies…

It’s not long-term or sustainable.

At some point, sales will reach a threshold, and the efforts on the marketing side won’t be able to sustain because you really do not know what worked.  

An invisible ceiling surfaces, and people scramble. Chaos begins, and sales and marketing teams point fingers at each other. Previous plans are questioned. Future plans are undoubtedly questioned. A few key people start looking for opportunities elsewhere.

This is the long-term side effect of MUSTA marketing. It just doesn’t work beyond a few good quarters and it certainly is not duplicable. 

Fun Fact: Did you know that human beings have created 90% of the world’s data in just the last decade? We’re almost making up new words now to describe how much data is stored on the planet. 

Data is everywhere. Some call it “the new oil” for its economic impact.

It is consistently surprising to me and my team, though, that a lot of mid-stage marketing teams and Entrepreneurs claim to embrace data, but don’t really review it or follow through. 

All the best processes now in sales and marketing start with data. Data is the core of everything: past client behavior, trends, actions, clicks, engagement with an email, etc. 


Or at least it should. 


Data can subsequently drive automated processes like…

  • Lead capture
  • Lead nurturing 
  • Lead scoring
  • Lead management
  • Drips
  • Workflows

The goal of an effective automated sales and marketing process is to read clients’ online body language, and figure out who should be contacted immediately, who should be phoned, who should be accelerated within automations, etc. 

Think of this like lead scoring with a heat index.

If you set up your lead scoring properly (more on that in a second), you achieve two main goals:

  1. You do MORE with less, and frankly you create a lot of sales and marketing productivity without even thinking about it.

2. You have Higher-Qualified Leads, leading to more conversions (and quicker sales)

Years ago, I met a guy at an event who sold online widgets. Pens. Cupholders. Mouse Pads. That type of stuff. He was making $2M/quarter. It was just him and his wife. I asked him how he did it, and he showed me a completely intricate web of marketing automation. If someone clicked this, they got this email. If they clicked that instead, they got a different email. 

It was visually overwhelming to look at, but it was working, and the company is still growing to this day. 

A lot of marketing teams don’t know how to set something like this up. It’s too complicated. It takes too much time. Other fires to put out take priority. Other meetings take precedence.

When you ignore the power of data and automation, you leave growth and revenue on the table. Automation done right also saves you money, but most importantly it saves your people time – they can be freed up to build relationships, and research the people they need to be in front of, while the processes hum along behind them.

As you know, an Entrepreneur’s biggest challenge AND biggest asset is TIME. If you can maximize time, you can maximize business returns. 

Some of us get in the weeds on projects, meetings, product design, launch, events, etc. 

All those things matter, for sure. But if you want be successful, you need to find time in other places – so that you can give time to new areas. 

The easiest way to find the time you need, and not get burnt out or completely inundated with tasks. Embrace thought out and proven sales and marketing automation.

Think of it as a well-oiled machine. The machine works along in the background, with periodic tweaks.

The machine delivers you the right, highly-qualified leads. 

Your team can really focus on relationship-building because they’ve had time to learn about these leads. As they start talking with the leads, more leads are coming through the pipeline. 

The “machine” continues to do what it’s supposed to do. 

This is a huge part of what my team does.

We help businesses attract more qualified leads, nurture them, then integrate proven and effective methods and systems to help convert these leads into paying clients.

That’s the biggest long-term advantage there is in business: Qualified leads, delivered consistently, with time freed up to focus on other areas that need focus. 

Time Savior + Revenue Generator

Automation done right has really helped so many Entrepreneurs over the years. 

I realize that sometimes automation gets a bum rap, and people will say to me, “Tech still comes off as a robot. It turns prospects OFF”.

Another one I hear, “It bombards my prospects with emails and push notifications, and they get annoyed. I’ll pass.”

That’s because they’ve experienced sales and marketing automation done wrong.

Everything is rooted in data and behavior patterns, and it flows from there. Every moving part of automation needs to be precisely set up and monitored. Testing is key. Continually improving is key. Evaluating every moving part will maximize efforts and optimize results. 

Turn your MUSTA marketing team into a high-performing team that gets you the results you know are attainable using data the right way.

We can help you get there if you want to dominate your industry. Simply reply back to this newsletter and we’ll set up a time to chat. 

To your success, 


P.S. Recruitment and Hiring is the #1 Entrepreneurial Blind Spot which is why most avoid it like the plague… 

Let’s face it, the entire process can be utterly frustrating & time consuming, AND often results in attracting and hiring the WRONG talent for your team and/or business. 

But what if ALL the heavy-lifting was done for you, and you were only handed the highest qualified candidates that checked every box you were looking for? 

Head to this link to see if Nitrogen Hiring Network™ could be your talent recruitment solution. 

P.P.S. Not sure how to find and attract more of your ideal clients? If you have a proven high ticket offer, we know EXACTLY how to fill your pipeline with a constant stream of qualified and highly-motivated leads through our exclusive Leads on Demand™ program.

Simply click this link for more details.

ActiveCampaign Certified

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

4K Drone Stock Footage - Royalty Free Drone Videos of Mountains, Beaches, Cities, Forests and Oceans

Beautiful royalty-free 4k drone stock footage library. Over 300 beautiful aerial drone footage videos that you can use for your own projects or even for client projects! 

Included are 300+ royalty-free professional drone videos of beaches, buildings, cities, nature so they can be used in many ways... most shot in gorgeous 4k UHD resolution!

Start creating BEAUTIFUL videos for:

– Your sales pages
– Your YouTube channels
– Your landing pages
– For your clients
– For promoting your business

There’s many ways you can use videos…and this royalty-free drone stock footage package will help you to create beautiful, captivating videos that people will stop to watch, click on your links or buy your products.

As a bonus we include 123 4k animated backgrounds absolutely FREE!!

A huge collection of 300 Drone Footage Videos plus 123 4k animated videos that you can use in your own or client projects... royalty-free!

aerial footage

Monday, November 13, 2023

David Vs All The Goliaths

David vs all the Goliaths


I’m speaking of King David, of course. But I (regular David) have had my share of Goliaths to deal with.

On a recent trip to Israel, I stood on the very site King David himself stood and had his biblical battle with the giant.

It was a dream of mine to visit this site. I envisioned what it might look like and I was blown away seeing that it looked exactly as I’d always pictured.

I was so moved by the experience and the energy of the history that surrounded It was my last stop on my trip and I took the moment to take it all in.

The story of David and Goliath is one we’re all familiar with and is used as a metaphor across so many platforms in our lives. In sports, education, politics, and in business.

Against all odds, with little means of protection, armed with very little…the little guy defeats the big guy.

But as I stood there among the stone and ruins (some of which were only uncovered by archeologists 30 years ago) I was reminded of some lesser-known pieces of the biblical tale.

Did you know the King refused to wear the armor offered to him and, despite all Insistence declined to carry a sword to this battle? He felt he’d be encumbered by the weight of them, and went only with his slingshot to fight this powerful adversary.




In our modern-day businesses, we often feel the pressure to do things the way others do.  To run our business the ‘right’ way as opposed to what might be the ‘best’ way for our own business.

Sometimes, we do feel encumbered by the myriad suggestions or the insistences of outside forces and we lose sight of what makes the most sense for ourselves.

I do my best to fight against those forces and rather find the strengths and advantages I gain from being my truest self. And I believe that separates me from the proverbial pack.

I hope you too can find the kind of power you gain from your individuality and a strong sense of self.

Defeating giants is no simple task. King David got off a perfect shot with that little, smooth stone.  That took focus, practice, confidence, and a little bit of luck. 

There is no shortage of giants in the business world that we are all competing with.

Apple, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, Tesla…The list goes on and on.

It’s easy to see how a small company might feel helpless, trying to compete with such Goliaths.  

So what do you do?  Give in? Give up?

Or do you take a lesson from King David?

Ignore the voices telling you that you can’t achieve your dreams.  That includes the voice inside you that causes doubt or rationalizes you out of putting in the work that you know you’re capable of doing.

If you think about it, Goliath doesn’t always mean the giant (companies) that you feel might be standing in your way.  

Goliath, to me, is the giant I place in my own way.  

I know that I can face my giant, unencumbered by negative thinking. Armed only with what I have at my disposal at any given moment.

And I believe I, like King David, will walk away successful and victorious. And I know that you can do the same.

To your success, 



Business Nitrogen