Saturday, April 30, 2022

The people's network is open. Stake your piece of the pie now!

Stake your claim by owning the network! As Seen on Yahoo News...That's right, in this opportunity you own the network, The People's Network. This is a great time to get in on the ground floor of one of the largest market disruptions of the century. That's right the Internet of Things is being built as you read this with affiliate crypto resources. The Internet of Things offers us a great option for mining and earning a crypto currency. That's right this program introduces a ground breaking approach to real world hardware and benefits tied to a crypto currency. That means your money is safe and it will continue to earn you passive income for you well in to the future.

Curious about crypto and the blockchain? This makes it easy to get in to crypto, while earning it at the same time. Mobile phone services and WIFI have paved the way and now is the time as more and more devices get connected. By deploying a simple device in your home or office, you can provide your city with miles of low-power network coverage for billions of devices and earn passive crypto at the same time. If this sounds amazing it's because it is. Reserve your Hotspot deployment on the helium network and leverage our dynamic hosting affiliate program to refer others and earn crypto.

How a Mentor Can Transform Your Life with Mark Timm Get Naked in Business Podcast

Imagine being the CEO of a company for free! Sounds crazy, doesn’t it! Well, it’s not crazy to Mark Timm. Mark is very proud to be the CEO of Ziglar Family because he is gaining more than money can buy. As you will hear David mention, Mark’s unselfish nature and want to serve is such a huge component to Mark’s success. Mark’s passion for spreading the words of Zig Ziglar is inspiring. Mark also co-authored the book, “Mentor to Millions” with none other than Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank! Be sure to stay right until the end to find out how to get FREE mentorship from Mark and Kevin!


[00:02:38] Mentor vs. Coach [00:11:54] Why Is Mentorship More Important Than Money?[00:14:26] Mark’s Biggest Transformation Due To Mentorship[00:16:46] Advice For Someone Struggling Right Now[00:19:04] Mark’s Special Bonuses

Connect with Mark Timm:

1. Follow Mark on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram & Twitter

2. Find Mark on website

3. Get your copy of “Mentor to Millions” and the special bonuses here

Connect with David Asarnow

Find David on his websiteFind David on his Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook

About Get Naked Podcast

Welcome to the Get Naked In Business video podcast.

So the big question is… how do entrepreneurs like us, who built our businesses from the ground up, who spend our own capital, who want to make a huge impact on this world, how do we do all that and create a great income?

My mission for this podcast is to interview amazing entrepreneurs who are willing to get naked in front of the mirror, jump up and down, and let the real, raw insights all hang out. Insights to help accelerate your business growth.

My name is David Asarnow and welcome to Get Naked In Business. I’m glad you're here… now it's time to get naked!

active campaign certified

Benefits Of Chiropractor And Chiropractic Services

Chiropractic treatments can be used to treat a wide range of ailments and improve the health of your entire family. Sure your existing patients may occasionally peruse your site and check out your About page; however, the person we are most concerned with is the potential patient that lands on your site for whatever reason and via whatever means. Chiropractic care is also known to enhance immune system, improve blood circulation and oxygen distribution, lower blood pressure, maintain normal blood sugar, and improve kidney functions as well as other vital organs of the body

Chiropractors have gone through years of vigorous specialized training and schooling, passed many tests, and gone to great lengths to become licensed and certified to treat all people, children included. Since chiropractic medicine deals with your overall health and well being a chiropractor often discovers health problems or conditions that are outside his realm of training. Chiropractic health care options are intended for everyone to benefit from, but many of people do not take full advantage of them. One of the problems with whiplash is if there is no pain or discomfort at the time of the trauma, the victim will think they came through "without a scratch

Stress Is The Major Cause For Headaches. And since chiropractic care focuses treatment on the soft tissues of the spine, which includes the neck, the majority of headaches can be successfully managed with an appropriate series of spinal adjustments and specific massage therapy. Six of the most common misconceptions about headache relief have been listed below

A good way to accomplish this is to talk to the office staff and ask for their input. You will get the same training and preparation. Chiropractors are the health professional of choice for accident victims in their rehabilitation phase, workers who met work-related incidents and injuries, and almost any one who has suffered from pains in one part of the body or another


Loving Self...Finally A site with no category alone...All categories Apply....

I know to expect a Website that offers everything to everyone, IMPOSSIBLE>Yet, POSSIBLE! and existing here!  No instructions necessary.  Individually touched and served.  You will know, even though the changes will be subtle, but Gloriously awareness will surface, and then you will know.

I have spent over 65 years knowing the purpose of my existence.  Manuscripts fill my possession, unpublished and undistributed.  I have only the desire to offer All the benefits I have been directed to give to ALL.

The site you will be directed to is FREE!! NO gathering of personal data. Safe for even a Newborn.  Symbolic  Messages in unlimited forms...No Comments asked.  No Teaching, No Preaching, No Temptations.  Free Space...Always available.  Refreshing yourself when the need arises.  Visit anytime, anywhere, anyplace.

THE MUSICAL VIDEOS:::  Quality made.  Uniquely produced, Composed of unlimited resources, Messages there for the taking, All individualized to fit All.  The complete content cannot be announced, because the definition would never end. 

If you are ready to see an Individual 72 years of age, but the body of a excellent athletic individual in his 20's.  All completed  within the past 5 years, due to former life responsibilities, Who has lived by the Guidance afforded me since the age of 6 years, Then determine a choice that suits you.

Spreading Peace, Love and Happiness, is my purpose.  You will NOT see this type of Script anywhere.  Finally True-Self can Dominate your Life.....

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Friday, April 29, 2022

GET Premium Access to High Quality Softwares for Insanely Discounted Prices from NulledGeek HQ

Find all Internet marketing softwares like Video,Spin Blaster,My Traffic Jacker,Speechelo, Sendiio and many more software in low cost.

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Improving Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

It will take as long as it takes and greatly depends on patient cooperation. They are known as a quirk of nature, and will make you feel like you are on your death bed - although you really arent. " The retainer will stay in place so that the newly aligned teeth will remain in their proper location. Certain number of hours in internship must be met by the students (i

I set them up with my dentist before they had any problems. Dentistry does not just end at accumulating the minimum academic qualifications. Unfortunately this kind of flexibility is normally restricted to the private sector

Brushing alone is not enough. Know What to Ask. If allowed to remain there, that plaque can build up and cause tooth decay, gum disease or many other unhealthy conditions. If you are afraid of this experience, take someone with you who understands your concern and who can help you through the process. Because they are going to be the first person that a patient sees, they can make the difference in whether the patience keeps up their courage to go through the procedure or turns around and walks out of the office

Most discount dental plans offer 10% to 80% unlimited dental procedures and you may go to your dentist as many times as you want. Just like any dental insurance, this type of plan an provide coverage for routine maintenance and occasional filings. They aren’t including the price of the abutment or crown, which can cost up to $1500 more. You can purchase a great dental discount plan for as low as $20 per month. And the best part is that they are not extremely expensive as they were a long time ago, but they are quite affordable and therefore financially available for every average Bob

Dental technology will never be the same. A cavity is the caused by general tooth decay. It may seem like a simple procedure to get your teeth cleaned, but it's what you will NOT experience that makes it worth going. By contrast, cosmetic work is when you require treatment to make your smile look better


Thursday, April 28, 2022

ScorpionTech Is Your Mesa Pest Control Partner

Across the United States, there is a greater demand for pest control services than ever before. Nowhere is that more true than it is in the state of Arizona. Phoenix has been one of the hottest real estate markets in the entire country for a few years now, and with new homes and new neighborhoods popping up in spaces previously only inhabited by pests, the demand for pest control helps in the area will only continue to grow. 

ScorpionTech is proud to serve the residents of the Phoenix area with comprehensive pest control services for homes and businesses alike. What makes ScorpionTech different? We’re here for you every time you call. 

The Importance of Better Pest Control Mesa

Pests of many types can cause serious issues for your home or business. Whether it's termites creating physical problems or cockroach droppings creating health issues, the last thing you want is a pest control problem. Many, though, don’t look to companies like ScorpionTech for help. Instead, they hit the DIY aisle of a local big box store for solutions to the problem. The simple truth, though, is that your DIY efforts are only going to make the situation worse. 

At ScorpionTech, we have the training and expertise to handle all different kinds of pests. We know how to not only eliminate them and prevent future infestations but also how to identify the problem at hand. More than that, though, we have access to cutting-edge technologies that mean control happens at a far faster rate. 

DIY sprays, traps, and pest control bombs often don’t reach the source of the problem. Eliminating an infestation in your house isn’t about getting rid of the pests that you can see. Instead, it’s about getting rid of the pests that you can’t see. For example, if you have a rodent problem, they’re likely nesting deep inside your walls or even in your attic. Bait and traps will only catch a few of them. You’re not going to manage to get to the nest. The same is true for cockroaches. Perhaps you set off a bug bomb in your office to eliminate cockroach problems. You may have just killed all of the adult cockroaches, but what about the eggs they left behind? Not only are you going to continue to have trouble with the pest itself, but you’ve just used a very potent poison in your office, and sensitive employees may have all kinds of resulting problems. 

The real issue, though, is that you may not be treating the underlying problem with those DIY methods. Any type of pest is invading your home or office for a reason. They’re looking for food, moisture, or something else. They’ve invaded your space because they’re meeting a basic need by doing so. An off-the-shelf solution isn’t going to treat the underlying problem, only the one you can see. You may not even know what that underlying problem is. At ScorpoinTech, we’ll not only help you deal with the issue itself but also the direct cause of the issue. We work to identify problems, like unsealed pipes that come into your home, areas of standing water around your property, or even dampness issues that are attracting pests in the first place, then we work to help you resolve those issues so you don’t have future pest control issues in your home or business. 

Common Pest Control Issues

The best part about working with ScorpionTech is that we help our customers face a variety of types of pest control Mesa issues. What are some of the most common pest problems we deal with?

Ants: There are six common species of ants in Arizona, and it’s tough to get rid of any one of them on your own because they continually migrate and create new colonies. They’re often attracted by sources of food like sweets and pet foods, and they’re so small, it’s easy for them to make their way inside. We’ll help you figure out what’s attracting the ants in the first place, locate the colony entrance, and completely eliminate your ant problem. 

Scorpions: There are four different kinds of scorpions in Arizona, including the highly venomous Arizona Bark Scorpion. While most scorpion stings won’t cause you any serious health problems, it is possible to experience some real pain as the result of a sting. Often where there’s one scorpion there are others, so doing what you can to keep them off your property is an absolute must. We can help you deal with any scorpion pest control problems or infestation immediately and ensure you know what steps to take in the future to keep them well away from your family and your customers!

Spiders: You could see more than fifteen different species of spiders in Arizona, and while not all of them are dangerous, some of them certainly can be. Among those you might find on your property are the Desert Brown Recluse and Black Widow spiders, so the last thing you want to do is ignore a potential problem once you notice it. We’ll help you identify the type of spider with which you’re dealing and come up with a plan to prevent future spider problems on your property. 

Rodents: Nearly 21 million home and business owners across the United States deal with rodent problems each year. From tiny mice to massive roof rats, you’ll find lots of different kinds of rodents in Phoenix, and nothing is more disgusting or dangerous for your customers than a rodent pest control problem. If you begin to notice droppings, gnawed holes and scrapings in the wood, or marks on your walls, you’re likely dealing with an infestation. AZ roof rats and mice have the potential to spread disease in a number of different ways, too, making this type of infestation particularly dangerous. We’ll find the nest and completely eliminate any rodents on your property. 

Termites: Termites do $30 billion in damage every single year to homes and businesses like yours, and because it’s so warm in the Phoenix area, they can be active throughout the year. Let us help you prevent property damage with our unique termite control program. We not only offer safe termite control options without discomfort or inconvenience but a solid warranty, too, that termites will not return to your property. 

Cockroaches: These pests may be cringeworthy, but they’re truly dangerous too. They can trigger asthma and allergies, too, and they could create other health issues for those in the building or in your home. What’s worse is that there is never just one cockroach. They love to hide and there are always thousands of them. Troublingly, they can hide almost anywhere. From the space behind your baseboards to deep inside the recesses of your storage cabinets, they’ll make a home throughout yours! At ScorpionTech, we’ll locate the cockroach problem, eliminate it, and prevent it from coming back in the future. 

Mosquitoes: If you’re like most people, you live in Arizona because you can spend so much time outside. Unfortunately, mosquitoes can drive you back inside in a hurry. We can help you treat your home and yard with our innovative In2Care mosquito trap so you never have to worry about mosquito problems again. Top-of-the-line control, it attracts female mosquitoes to a trap. The mosquito then carries out bioactives to kill any eggs and other mosquitoes. The result is a clear win for your backyard – no mosquitoes whether you’re grilling outside, playing in the pool, or just enjoying the sun. 

Didn’t see your pest problem listed here? The simple truth is that we deal with so many different kinds of pests, that it’s tough to list them all. We provide complete pest control Mesa services for your home or business, so no matter what you’re facing, we’re here to help. 

Commercial and Residential Help

We’re here for everyone in the Mesa-Phoenix-Scottsdale area. We don’t just specialize in residential pest control needs. We can help you protect your business from pest control problems too. We’ll work around your business's unique needs to provide you with a solution that truly works for your customers. Whether you need help when your customers aren’t stopping by or you just need ongoing monthly management services, we’ll work with you to develop a pest control Mesa plan that is ideal when it comes to meeting your needs. 

Licensed, insured, and experienced, ScorpionTech is the way forward no matter what the pest problem is. We’ve been working with home and business owners just like you for more than a decade, providing top-of-the-line pest control that simply can’t be matched in the Phoenix area, and we can’t wait to add you to our customer list. 

There’s Never Been a Better Time

Whether you’re worried about pests, you want to prevent the potential of even having an issue, or you just want to learn more about our company and how we can help when the time comes, there’s never been a better time to set up an appointment with us. 

Ready to learn more about how we can help? Give us a call today at (480) 800-3777. 

Back pain


Back pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor or miss work and a leading cause of disability worldwide. Most people have back pain at least once.

Fortunately, you can take measures to prevent or relieve most back pain episodes. If prevention fails, simple home treatment and proper body mechanics often will heal your back within a few weeks and keep it functional for the long haul. Surgery is rarely needed to treat back pain.


Signs and symptoms of back pain may include:

  • Muscle ache
  • Shooting or stabbing pain
  • Pain that radiates down your leg
  • Limited flexibility or range of motion of the back


Canadian Throat Singer Shares Healing Music in France

Based in Vancouver, BC Matthew Kocel is recognized as a leader in the world sound healing movement.

 Having just returned to his home after a tour of New York, Connecticut, France and Belgium, he is preparing for a Colorado tour in July 2019.

Throat singing or overtone singing is a method of manipulating vocal sounds in the body to amplify the harmonics, or overtones that are already present in the voice. Mathew Kocel's sound draws on influences from Tibetan, Tuvan & Mongolian throat singers as well as European overtone singers.

Accompanied by simple acoustic instruments, his songs create the framework within which listeners can attain insight, peace, inner travel and spontaneous realizations.

Interestingly, Matthew says his main instrument is his heart, which influences the feelings and information carried by his voice.

Matthew Kocel continues to travel across the world to share this music he calls "medicine for the Earth and the heart of humanity'. Thus far his travels have taken him across the US and Canada, Costa Rica, Peru, France, Belgium and soon...Tibet.


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

How Artificial Intelligence is Disrupting the Content Industry through Digital Writers

The Ultimate Guide to AI-Generated Content Creator Tools and How They are changing SEO

The Top 3 Ways to Use AI Generations to Improve Your Company

It is important to understand that AI Generations are not just another buzzword. Here are three main ways AI Generations will change your business.

- Automation: AI will do things like flipping burgers and driving cars. In the near future we'll see it do things like flipping legal briefs and driving court cases.

- Connection Connection: Internet of Things is a rapidly expanding field that makes use of machine learning and human connections to connect objects and individuals.

Prediction: Predictive analytics allow us to make better business decisions by anticipating what may happen, even before it actually happens.

A Comprehensive List of the Best Artificial Intelligence Products for Your Business

The majority of the top AI products have been designed to serve a particular sector. We know that not all software is appropriate for all industries, so we've compiled a list.

1. 1.

2. 2. Google Ads API

3. Amazon Alexa

4. Google Translate

5. AWS Marketplace

6. 6.

7. IBM Watson Solutions Catalog

Conclusion: Utilize an AI Writing Assistant to boost Your Productivity and Creativity Today

Do you have writer's block? Are you spending too much time doing content writing? Could you use help generating new content ideas? If you have answered yes to any of these questions then an AI writing assistant may be the answer to your issue.

AI assistants are computer programs that can create content on a large size. They can create everything from blog posts to sales letters or even essays. In essence, any kind of content that is not article-based or press release-based.

AI Blogging

How to implement the Perfect Offer System in Real Estate

How to implement the Perfect Offer System in Real Estate? In this video, Blake Cory discussed why it's important that the home sellers know who they will be selling their previous homes to and why it matters. And how will the modified Perfect Offer System can help you, Real Estate agents, get your buyers under a contract. Here is the full live stream presentation Click here to join ➡️ Connect with me on my other social channels: Facebook ➡️ Instagram ➡️ Twitter ➡️ Pinterest ➡️ Linkedin ➡️ Real Estate Specific Links ➡️ Timestamp 0:00 - Intro 1:34 - The lack of love and appreciation of some states in the US to home buyers and home sellers 2:52 - The emotional experience of selling a house 3:40 - Why it's important to sellers to know who will buy their house 5:47 - The modified perfect offer system 7:45 - Leading the buyer 8:45 - Match your buyers with houses 10:52 - Focusing on making an offer ASAP if the buyer finds their ideal house 13:15 - How the script would sound like 16:10 - The importance of communication between you, the buyer, and the seller 17:19 - Why it's important to have an open dialogue with the listing broker 19:00 - Why it's important to sound professional 19:50 - Teamwork between you, lenders, vendors, and brokers is the key to more sales 21:33 - Escalation clause in the offer 23:30 - Cover letter alternative technique 26:10 - Closing message #allthingsrealestate #realestateagenttips #realestatecoach #realestatetraining #business #BlakeCory #TopAgent #MillionDollarAgent #marketing #sales

best real estate coaching

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Feeding A Need During The Pandemic with Kirk Halpern Get Naked in Business Podcast

What do you do when times get tough? Well, you get naked and ramplify!  That’s just what American businessman and entrepreneur, Kirk Halpern, did. Well, he probably didn’t get naked but you know what we mean! Kirk Halpern is the founder and CEO of Farmers & Fishermen Purveyors which is a meat and seafood restaurant supplier.  Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Kirk knew he had to pivot and pivot fast.  In just 13 hours, the transformation of his restaurant supply business into a home delivery service flourished, and Kirk was able to provide quality meat and seafood to the Greater Atlanta residents and keep his staff working.


[00:01:13] Kirk’s Business & Reinvention[00:05:37] What Enabled Kirk to Pivot?[00:12:02] Expanding Beyond Atlanta[00:16:48] Advice for Struggling Business Owners

Connect with Kirk Halpern:

1. Follow Kirk on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn,

2. Find Kirk on his website

3. Check out Farmers & Fishermen Purveyors on Yelp!

4. Give Farmers & Fishermen Purveyors a call at 770-441-1100

Connect with David Asarnow

Find David on his websiteFind David on his Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook

About Get Naked Podcast

Welcome to the Get Naked In Business video podcast.

So the big question is… how do entrepreneurs like us, who built our businesses from the ground up, who spend our own capital, who want to make a huge impact on this world, how do we do all that and create a great income?

My mission for this podcast is to interview amazing entrepreneurs who are willing to get naked in front of the mirror, jump up and down, and let the real, raw insights all hang out. Insights to help accelerate your business growth.

My name is David Asarnow and welcome to Get Naked In Business. I’m glad you're here… now it's time to get naked!

best click funnel expert

Monday, April 25, 2022

How will your business live on?

When I hear the word legacy these days, I can’t help but think about a conversation I had with Sir Richard Branson last year about his 10 Generation Plan (building something that can positively impact at least 10 generations). 

How’s that for a powerful legacy? 

Ever since that conversation, my perspective dramatically shifted especially when it came to thinking about the purpose of my business, and the impact I want my team and I to make in this world by helping other businesses aspire to achieve their unique legacies. 

You could say my purpose became pretty darn clear...

To help grow and scale mission driven companies into iconic legacies for generations to come.

Infinite businesses. 

Success for me would be to leave that footprint long after I was gone and have it live on for generations to come. 

You see, no matter how successful we are… in life OR in business, a powerful reminder we all should embrace is that we are all mortal, and our time here will eventually come to an end. 

Recently, this reminder hit close to home when a good friend of mine died unexpectedly. 

What was even harder to accept was that I was with him just days before he passed...

It was a Sunday when we arrived in Vegas to get ready for a trade show for a business we were partners in. 

Monday was day one of the event and he started feeling ill and decided not to attend.

Friday he felt he felt worse, and by Saturday morning he couldn’t even walk. His wife called an ambulance and he was immediately hospitalized.  

Less than one week later Brian was gone. Just like that.

We were all shocked and in complete disbelief. For days, even talking about it amongst the team felt surreal, like we were on the outside looking into someone else’s life. 

After the initial shock of losing him started to wane a bit, a painful realization set in about how much the business would suffer from losing him (he was instrumental in our growth and solely responsible for key areas in the business).  

We had no plan for his departure. 

That never even crossed our minds. But here we were. 

We were forced to make some immediate decisions that would ripple down through the entire company.  Affecting the present day and the future.  

Here’s what we did realize though…

This was our opportunity to really take a step back and start asking ourselves the most important questions that most business owners don’t think to ask themselves (until the unexpected happens)

Questions like: 

  • What really matters? 
  • What legacy do we want to leave?
  • How do we make our legacy a reality? 
  • How do we make a legacy for our team? 
  • How do we help others successfully build and achieve their legacy?

God forbid something happens to myself or another member of our team, how can we structure the business to survive and continue on for generations to come? 

Yes, hard questions. 

But questions worth by having this discussion and figuring out the answers led us to clarity and ultimate focus on our purpose. 

And ours is building an Infinite Business and helping others do the same. 

Creating and scaling a business that matters. 

Building a company for people who care about more than themselves. 

Elevating to a business and mission that leaves an awe-inspiring legacy for the world.

Think about you and your business now...

What is your purpose? 

What is important to you?  

Have you thought about what would happen to your business (your team, your family) if God forbid something happened to you? 

What help do you need to ensure your legacy will survive and last for generations to come long after you’re gone? 

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments on this topic…comment below.

As always, feel free to reach out to me anytime if you want to schedule a discovery call with my team to see how we can help you break through the invisible glass ceiling in your business. 

To your success, 


funnel marketing expert

Saturday, April 23, 2022

How to earn $3 million commission in just 6 months in Real Estate

In this video, Blake Cory discussed and shared the scripting framework that helped his team make more than $3 million commission in Real Estate in just 6 months.

Here is the full live stream presentation Click here to join ➡️ Connect with me on my other social channels: Facebook ➡️ Instagram ➡️ Twitter ➡️ Pinterest ➡️ Linkedin ➡️ Real Estate Specific Links ➡️ Timestamp 0:00 - Intro 4:07 - The importance of tracking the inventory level 6:20 - Introduction to the Real Estate Script 6:48 - The difference between Prospecting and Lead Generation 10:21 - The kind of script to use to actually get Leads 11:33 - The scripting framework to make your business scalable 12:49 - What do buyers want when it comes to purchasing a home? 13:49 - How to get your buyers to be more interested in buying 16:56 - Why else would a buyer wanna meet with you? 18:02 - What is an off-market property? 19:05 - How did Blake scale up his business? 20:02 - 3 principles that all home seller wants 21:52 - Home seller advantage program 23:00 - What you can learn in framework scripting 24:50 - The importance of sounding natural to buyers and sellers 25:30 - The fact-finding process 27:00 - Things to cover in the fact-finding process 29:48 - The most important question that needs to be asked 30:25 - The 2nd most important question that needs to be asked 31:26 - Summary of The scripting framework 32:10 - How to sound natural when cold-calling 34:46 - The importance of being consistent in calling back your leads 36:02 - Join our Real Estate FB group 38:00 - Social media interaction 38:30 - How did Blake master the framework in scripting 39:48 - Final words #allthingsrealestate #realestateagenttips #realestatecoach #realestatetraining #business #BlakeCory #TopAgent #MillionDollarAgent #marketing #sales

real estate team

Friday, April 22, 2022

Listing Domination Secrets in Real Estate Revealed Pt. 1/7

In this video, Million Dollar agent coach Blake Cory explains and breaks down his 7-Step System for listing domination. Part 1- Building bonding and rapport. So, if you want to learn more about the 7-Step System for Listing Domination in Real Estate, you're in the right place. Here is the full live stream presentation Click here to join ➡️ Connect with me on my other social channels: Facebook ➡️ Instagram ➡️ Twitter ➡️ Pinterest ➡️ Linkedin ➡️ Real Estate Specific Links ➡️ Timestamp 0:00 - Intro 0:34 - Step 1 introduction 1:00 - Step 1 of the 7-step system 1:37 - Bonding the rapport 4:02 - The importance of having a briefcase and a laptop with you 4:54 - What should you do in a home tour? 5:25 - The importance of taking notes on the description of the house 6:07 - The real purpose of the home tour 7:00 - What is a F.R.O.G.? 7:28 - Understanding the 'Family' 8:03 - 'Recreation': understanding the family's hobbies 8:42 - 'Occupation': letting the sellers talk about themselves 9:43- Understanding their 'Goal' 10:22 - The information you get from F.R.O.G. 10:58 - Letting the conversation to naturally flow to build a relationship 11:59 - Closing remarks #allthingsrealestate #realestateagenttips #realestatecoach #realestatetraining #business #BlakeCory #TopAgent #MillionDollarAgent #marketing #sales #freerealestatecoaching

real estate training